HomeGlam in the city6 rules to be "Chanel" elegant

6 rules to be “Chanel” elegant

If modern fashion is to be given a woman’s name it must be “Coco Chanel”. Chanel is the name, “expensive simplicity” is the game and the signature.

In this article, which is also a tribute to the ageless “Chanel” style, BelleBeirut wants to show you how to reflect an air of elegance and sophistication through pursuing a simple yet expensive-looking style à la “Chanel”.

 Rule #1: Keep it Simple

This is also the “golden rule”, the more items you have on, the less simple and less elegant you will be. Three main clothing items are enough, and if two of them are a perfect match, then it’s yet another dose of elegance added.

 Rule #2: Keep your Colors in Check

If you are planning to pursue a simple ageless style, then keeping the color frenzy under control is an absolute must. If you are wearing a 3 or a 4 items’ outfit; then 2 colors are the maximum allowed unless we’re talking about absolute neutrals.

 Rule #3: Keep your Shades Aligned

Nothing is trickier than wearing shades of the same color. Therefore you should go for shades that are many color degrees apart, because going too close will make it look like you tried to match the same color but failed (and that’s not exactly elegant). Breaking the plain effect from wearing one color is the job of nudes, whites and blacks.

 Rule #4: Your Cuts, Keep Them Straight & Neat

Complicated cuts, and overly emphasized cuts are not what ageless elegance is about. They might be fashionable, eccentric, avant-guarde; but are not for those trying to pursue the style under study here. Keep the cuts clean, neat and straight; the less emphasized, the better.

 Rule #5: Accessorize Minimally

Accessorizing for this style can get tricky, so follow these guidelines: Your accessories should stay minimal and as plain as possible; but that does not eliminate large/oversized items; which can be used if the design is simple and other items within your accessories’ set are de-emphasized or eliminated.

 Golden Rule: Your Attitude

No style will ever give you the Chanel elegance more than your own attitude. A gracious, modest, simple, and elegant attitude is the golden rule that will compliment your style and allow you to shine with elegance, grace and sophistication.

Glamorously Yours;
Patricia I. Issa

BelleBeirut Staffhttp://www.bellebeirut.com
BelleBeirut.com is an online Lebanese magazine for celebrity, fashion, beauty, health, high-tech, lifestyle and automotive news.

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