HomeNewsPlastic Surgeon Dr. Joe Khoury: Plastic surgery can boost your confidence but...

Plastic Surgeon Dr. Joe Khoury: Plastic surgery can boost your confidence but it’s not a “walk in the park”!

In a television interview, plastic surgery specialist Dr. Joe Khoury considered that most surgeries have positive effects on the psyche of the patients, but at the same time, it is not a walk in the park. It is a surgical operation in every sense of the word, and it requires medical preventive measures, and it must be taken seriously.

We should provide the necessary medical advice to the patient in order to understand what drove them to undergo this kind of surgeries. Care must be taken in psychologically weak patients (for example after a divorce or a major trauma) as wall as patients that are driven by there family members (a husband demanding this surgery, a mother forcing her daughter etc…).

On beauty standards, Dr. Khoury says: “Plastic surgery evolves over time and in the world of cosmetics everything changes. Due to the spread of social media some men and women are affected by unrealistic standards. This can have negative repercussions on them and drive them to change their features just because it is popular. The truth is that some of these public figures edit or “Photoshop” their picture and portray a beauty that doesn’t exist.

At the same time, plastic surgeries have positive effects in most cases, they improve the patient’s psychological state and boost their self-confidence.

If I have to give an answer to what makes an elite doctor: Good aesthetic analysis provides the best surgical indication and therefor the result expected by the patient.

The Dr talked about new and modern techniques that use “natural fat”, whether in face injection, breast augmentation or butt-sculpting, and these techniques have been developed over the last ten years.

He also talked about the ABC technique, which considers the body as a complete aesthetic unit and not segmenting the problem. It is a combination of:

Abdominoplasty Brazilian Butt Lift and Circumferential HD-Liposuction

BelleBeirut Staff
BelleBeirut Staffhttp://www.bellebeirut.com
BelleBeirut.com is an online Lebanese magazine for celebrity, fashion, beauty, health, high-tech, lifestyle and automotive news.


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