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HomeBeautyHow To Repair Sun Damages in 8 Weeks

How To Repair Sun Damages in 8 Weeks

Summer is long over, but the skin damages caused by the long tanning sessions are still there; and are also likely to affect your skin health in the long run. In this article, we will teach you how to reverse the sun damages during fall and winter and contribute to your skin resilience against damages over the next spring and summer seasons.

Follow these easy steps regularly over 8 weeks (2 months):

 Drink 3 liters of water per day:

Yes 3 we said, not 2; your skin is excessively thirsty and will need to compensate starting from within.

 Take a multivitamin regularly:

A daily multivitamin pill will make sure your skin is receiving all the vitamins and minerals it needs to fight against dehydration.

 Use cold or mildly warm water during showers:

Hot water tends to strip the skin from its natural oils contributing to its damage; same goes for washing your face.

 Use soapless face & body washes:

Soap is harsh on skin and will remove not only the dirt, but also moisture from the skin.

 Moisturize your face and full body twice a day:

The normal rate is twice for the face and once for the body; but remember we are trying to “compensate” for past damages. Use thick lotions and creams, they are likely to provide higher levels of moisture.

 Use light exfoliation:

If you are used to peeling your face and body skin regularly, replace your regular peeling with a lighter peeling based on fruit acids & other light ingredients.

 Use moisturizing facial masks twice a week:

And three times if you have the time for it, keep the mask on your face as long as possible.

After this 12 weeks programs, you can go back to your regular routine; lighter lotions, once a day rates and so on; but keep in mind that over-compensation is due whenever your skin is subjected to drying factors.

Patricia I. Issa
Fashion Editor
Belle Beirut Team

BelleBeirut Staff
BelleBeirut Staffhttp://www.bellebeirut.com
BelleBeirut.com is an online Lebanese magazine for celebrity, fashion, beauty, health, high-tech, lifestyle and automotive news.

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