HomeBeautyThree perfect hair fixes for your busy days

Three perfect hair fixes for your busy days

Ladies, there will always be these times where you will have to go out on a short notice or your hairdresser will not be available to save the day.

Below we picked 3 hair styles and the relevant YouTube tutorials to save you in glam crisis time!

The Donut Bun:

Perfect for the work day, this bun can also do for parties too!



Pumped Up Pony Tail:

Ponytails are usually the go-to when it comes to unruly hair. But more often than not, they can come off a bit casual. To dress yours up, bobby pin a 2-3 inch and a half center section of your hair away from your forehead. Then pull your hair up & voila! You’ve added bit of volume and a hint of sophistication to your pony tail.



Low Side Braid:

This style can also work by day and by night! For the evening though, add up a few blingy accessories to make it interesting.



And for a classy twist, try out this interesting French Braid:

Patricia I. Issa
Fashion Editor
Belle Beirut Team

BelleBeirut Staff
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