Maya Nassar’s 5 tips to maintain a healthy body and mind during lockdown


It’s been almost 2 months now that the world is suffering from a one-of-a-kind disease called Covid-19 – also known as Coronavirus. Following the forced lockdown of hundreds of cities throughout the world, millions of people found themselves quarantined and looking for whatever can distract them from this tough situation. In an exclusive interview with international fitness model Maya Nassar, BelleBeirut offers you 5 tips to maintain a healthy body and mind body during the lockdown period.

1- Create an exercise routine

First, “create an exercise routine” advices Maya to everyone who’s committed to staying in. “Choose a time that is convenient and stick to this same time every day (or at least three times a week). Let it become a part of your daily routine and remind yourself why it is so important to exercise during the lockdown period.” As per Maya, working out will relieve stress and make you feel good both mentally and physically.

2- Be careful not to overeat and pay attention to your food quality

Second, “be careful not to overeat and pay attention to your food quality!”. Maya believes that it’s best to eat unprocessed and natural food on a daily basis while avoiding the consume of processed food, fried food, junk food and sweets. “This includes protein, healthy fats, wholegrain carbs, fruits and vegetables. Eating these type of foods will fuel your body and mind with energy and will also help you maintain your weight. Sweets and junk food should be eaten no more than once or twice a week.”

Read also: Maya Nassar: “Fitness is a mental challenge that starts in the mind”

3- Use whatever you have around you to workout

Third, Maya ensures that “it is unnecessary to have any equipment or cardio machines at home in order to workout. I recommend using stairs as nearly every home or building has a staircase. Start at the lowest level and sprint up to the very top, then walk back down and repeat. If you are a beginner, then do it five times and repeat up to 10 times if you have a more advanced fitness level.”

4- Try to eat every few hours
Also, “try to eat every few hours” in order to maintain your blood sugar levels and avoid feeling overly hungry. Maya recommends breakfast, lunch, dinner and a healthy snack in-between where you can choose a snack that is 100 calories or less. “Some good snacks include raw (pay attention to serving sizes) and unsalted nuts, fruits, zero fat yogurt or – laban, rice cakes with healthy toppings (peanut butter, turkey slices, zero fat cheese), or smoothies.”

5- Get enough rest, but avoid oversleeping
Last but not least, “get enough rest each night but avoid oversleeping”. Since we are staying at home, it can be very easy to oversleep or wake up extremely late. This will make you feel very demotivated and lazy. “I advise sleeping no less than 8 hours and waking up early each morning. Start your day by doing something productive so you feel energized to start your day positively. I personally exercise once I wake up as it helps me feel great and exercising in the morning means you get it out of the way and have your whole day free to focus on other things.”

Staying inside your place can be a bit mentally demotivating. Therefore, taking care of your body will instantly boost your mental health and make you feel much better. So keep yourself busy and enjoy some quality time with yourself!

Click here to follow Maya Nassar on Instagram


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