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HomeLove & SexThe ultimate taboo: Watching Porn with your man

The ultimate taboo: Watching Porn with your man

As I was sipping a glass of whiskey with my girlfriends a couple of nights ago, one of them bluntly burst out: “my boyfriend still watches porn, I feel so betrayed!” Her vulnerability made me wonder, should it really feel that wrong?

“I despise the idea of him being aroused by watching other nude women in action,” she continued. “Does it mean he’s losing interest in me? Have I lost the power of turning him on?” she wondered. “What should I do about it?” she then asked.
Some women refuse their bloke’s desire to watch pornographic films. “Our sex life is great, why can’t he stop?” they insist.

While the use of pornography among women is still a taboo, it has become, in today’s world, more acceptable. Truth is, women watch porn, too! Now, who among you ladies never sat at home alone and Googled the “P” word? Come on, we’ve all been tempted by this ‘sinful’ desire, at least once!

Yet how many of you have tried sharing this erotic experience with your man? If not, then what are you waiting for? Add some spice to your sex life by discovering new moves, eccentric positions, and fetish ‘fun’ games. Sexual intercourse can also be a playful moment if you know how to explore all of its facets!

Try using sex toys, or changing the scenery by role-playing as a French maid or a secretary. Dress up! Put on some glasses, sexy stockings! It’s all about fantasy!

However, what one should bear in mind at all times is that mutual enjoyment of pornography is harmless as long as it does not affect, in any way, the integrity of the partnership. The day pornography becomes the sole focus of either one of the partners; then it’s clear: the relationship you are involved in is on the wrong track.

Excessive porn usage signals a grand weakness in men. So if ever your man doesn’t know how to control his sexual appetite for pornographic images, then, there would be a problem, immaturity perhaps?

Don’t let the “P” word take over in your relationship; every little sin is fun as long as it is enjoyed moderately.

If your man watches porn reasonably, that doesn’t make him a pervert or less of a gentleman. Men watch porn also out of curiosity. To pick up some new tricks, to see how fetish sex looks like and if – maybe – he can practice it with you, his girlfriend. Or simply, just simply, to help pleasure themselves; after all, visual images are much more exciting than imagination.

You can learn so much about your man and about yourself, by watching a pornographic movie as a couple. You’ll also learn new positions that might excite you more than the usual ones. You might even discover a wilder, sexier; more liberated you who couldn’t come out because of those so-called taboos.

Let’s call it a manly eccentricity. Men fantasize about porn stars just like we, women, fantasize about a prince charming. You honestly think that men understand our fantasy? There you go… The only difference is, you can share your man’s fantasy in bed. We will never find our prince charming!!!

It is indeed normal for individuals to watch porn. So it’s time ladies, to change your views. Get more open with your sexuality. Instead of taking it for a lack of respect or an “indecent pleasure,” think of it as a “pêché mignon;” who knows, you might enjoy it as well…

So, come on ladies, add some porn to your sex life! Take your boo out on a Saturday night and surprise him on your way back home, with an erotic play role scenery. Love can also be fun!

By Lolla.

BelleBeirut Staff
BelleBeirut Staffhttp://www.bellebeirut.com
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