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HomeLove & Sex7 basic needs for a healthy relationship

7 basic needs for a healthy relationship

Want to know the secret for long lasting relationship? It’s simple, just memorize the basic needs that need to be satisfied in order to have a healthy relationship.

During the Adam and Leave seminar which took place in Beirut on the 13th of March at the Babel Theater in Hamra, renowned life coach and motivational speaker Hadi Safa explained Eric Berne’s model about the types of contact that humans need to survive.

According to Safa, “these basic needs differ from one relationship to the other. But the relationships in which these needs are fairly satisfied, are the healthiest”.

The experienced life coach, says the way people react in a relationship is linked to their upbringing. “What is right and what is wrong for them while growing up reflects in their behaviors and the way they deal with relationship problems when they become adults.”

So without further ado, we give you the basic needs that need to be satisfied for a healthy, long lasting relationship.

 1- Contact

Non-intrusive touch: You have to see people, meet people and interact with them regularly.

 2- Stimulation

Sensory, auditory, visual, tactile, olfactory, taste: all your senses have to be stimulated so that you can feel alive.

 3- Structure

Predictable routines, order, followed through plans in time and space, recognition of special events and their anniversaries… Believe it or not, routine is necessary so that you feel you have something going on in your life, whether your like it or not.

 4- Incident

Incident: Novelty, drama, you need to have problems, ups and downs and some kind of action in your life… or else your relationship will become boring and the excitement will die out.

 5- Sexual

You need acceptance as a potential or actual sexual physical being: which means an acknowledgment for
being attractive and attracting; your physical needs should be satisfied in a healthy relationship and on a regular basis. No harm in that.

 6- Spiritual

You need to have deep thoughts with your partner, talk about meaningful subjects and experience spiritual connections with your significant other.

 7- Recognition

Eye contact, smiles, comments, encouragement, attention, being noticed and valued: These are needed to make you feel important and valuable in a relationship and in life.

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BelleBeirut Staff
BelleBeirut Staffhttp://www.bellebeirut.com
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