HomeNewsAdam and Leave: “You are what you brand yourself”

Adam and Leave: “You are what you brand yourself”

In a seminar entitled “Adam and Leave”, Coach Hady Safa, the founder of Standards Consultants addressed the topic of relationships and expectations, how each affects the other and how to manage proper relationships with partners.

The seminar took place in Babel Theater in Hamra, with the participation of an audience of all ages, men and women, young and old, single, married and in all sorts of relationships, interacting together in a multitude of entertaining – yet enlightening – activities.

The audience interacted together interacting together in a multitude of entertaining - yet enlightening - activities
The audience interacted together in a multitude of entertaining – yet enlightening – activities

Self-image and ideals, self-branding, personal four Ps, expectations and disappointments and other relationship rules were notably subjects of this exciting interactive seminar.
Guest speaker Mrs. Dania Dbaibo Darwish intervened as well with tips and on-stage activities focusing on the importance of positive attitudes and thoughts in maintaining good and satisfying relationships.

Hady Safa
Hadi Safa

The “Adam and Leave” seminar reflects the increasing need of individuals and groups in Lebanon for coaching and guidance in maintaining relationships, especially at a time where break-up and divorce rates seem to be escalating in society, most of which are due to weaknesses in managing expectations or in self-branding.

The event was sponsored by: Omayla Beauty Center, Photo Naji, Les Trois Fleurs, Cellular 2000, Gustav Innovations Sucrees, X-treme Sound and Light, Beiruting, Aalamouki, and Cornerstone Public Relations.

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7 basic needs for a healthy relationship

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