HomeKitchenPotato Frittata Recipe

Potato Frittata Recipe

Get this all-star, easy-to-follow BelleBeirut Potato Frittata recipe from Jad Rouhana.


5 eggs

1 table spoon of chopped fresh rosemary

1 small to medium potato

20 grams of unsalted butter

Olive oil


Black pepper


1. Thinly slice the potatoes like chips but a bit thicker, roughly chop the rosemary, and
scramble the eggs.

2. Place the frying pan on a low heat and add the butter to the pan, swirl the pan until the
butter is completely melted then evenly place the potato slices at the bottom of the

3. Sprinkle the rosemary and some salt & black pepper over the potatoes

4. Drizzle some olive oil over the potatoes

5. Keep on medium to low heat for around 10 minutes, during which turn on the upper
grill of the oven and heat.

6. When the lower side is done place the frying pan fairly close under the fire

7. Bake until golden then place back on the stove at low heat

8. Add the cheese over the potatoes evenly

9. Add the scrambled eggs over the potatoes, sprinkle with salt and black pepper to taste;
and some un-chopped rosemary on it for decoration. Cook the eggs until half cooked
then place back under the upper grill of the oven until golden in color

10. Slide it onto a plate and cut into triangles of 8

Jad M. Rouhana

BelleBeirut Staffhttp://www.bellebeirut.com
BelleBeirut.com is an online Lebanese magazine for celebrity, fashion, beauty, health, high-tech, lifestyle and automotive news.

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